
Website Redesign

Website Redesign Overhaul of the Circle website As a part of the look and feel overhaul of Circle’s design aesthetic, the entire Circle website was completely redesigned.  This would allow for the…

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Circle Now App

Circle Now App App Interface Design and Marketing As a part of the look and feel overhaul of Circle’s design aesthetic, website and more; the Circle Now App was created to allow…

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Livestream Banner Redesign

Livestream Banner Redesign Digital Banner Design One of the most popular elements of Circle Network’s programming was it’s weekly livestream concert from the Grand Ole Opry.  This digital banner redesign was created…

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Digital Marketing Stunts

Digital Marketing Stunts Digital Marketing Banners This is a sample series of various digital marketing banners that were used to promote various “stunt” events that usually were centered around holidays or programming…

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Circle Logo Set

Circle Logo Set Circle Logo Family Re-Design This logo design set was to re-design the way we display the Circle logo, as well as (using the normal Circle logo as a template)…

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